Busy, Busy Beeeeee! Buzz Buzz!!
So here we go, October is going to be a packed month for me so let me give you some dates :) *You can click on the date and it will take you to the event on facebook :) Friday October 5th and 6th Haus of Sin is Sponsoring The Alabama Burlesque Festival 13 custom fascinators sent down for raffles so please ladies support this amazing festival and help raise money for charity. Friday October 5, 2012- Halloween Boo-tique at Boutique 208 - Pittsburgh, PA- 6pm to 10pm A fun entertaining every thing Halloween celebration with workshops starting at 7pm, Saturday October 6, 2012- Hallo-Weirdfest at 923 Bank St. Akron, OH 12pm to 6pm Haus Of Sin is vending along side with Spooky Grrl Bath and Body, Come down and get some holiday kid friendly spooky things like fascinators, soaps, hair flowers, Dia De Los Muertos Masks and more. Sunday October 7, 2012- Privare Performance at Dame Cassandra's Wedding I'm very honored to fan dance for this woman *non strip affair Friday October 12, 2012- Promoting Events for Le Femme Mystique Burlesque in Cleveland, OH *Booking open Saturday October 13, 2012- Dia De Los Muertos Bulesque Funeral at The Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland, OH 8:pm Doors show 9pm Our Halloween show full of surprises and intense holiday fun, since this is the best holiday ever! Jam packed with the best burlesque in Cleveland- Story of the show is all the girl passed away and their spirits are coming back for one last show one last tease! see how they passed away! Vendors and more with DJ Nemesis putting out the spooky beats! *bring toys for kids we are starting the drive early! Haus of Sin also vending- For Tickets - Click here You can get them online they will be at will call Saturday October 13, 2012- Sinferno Hanging Gardens Vending for Haus Of Sin Cattivo Bar in Pittsburgh, PA Our deadly beautiful vending girls will be there pushing some amazing wears! Sunday October 14, 2012- Travel Date Friday October 19, 2012 To Sunday October 21st- IDEK- International Drag King Community Extravaganza! in Cleveland, OH An amazing event putting together the art of gender performance, Come down and check it out amazing talent. I will be vending Haus Of Sin and Performing - Friday October 26, 2012 *Open Booking Saturday October 27, 2012- Sinferno Hanging Gardens Cattivo- Pittsburgh, PA Haus of Sin Vending Sunday October 28th, 2012 *Open Booking Wednesday October 31 2012 HALLOWEEN! November Dates Early Warning! Friday November 9, 2012 - Seasonal Tease- Happy everything show- Cattivo Pittsburgh, PA Come and Welcome Le Femme Mystique Burlesque in Pittsburgh for a Holiday extravaganza! Happy everything anything holiday show! Friday November 23rd- Black Friday Show- Edison Steampunk Ball Cattivo, Pittsburgh, PA Come and dress to impress an party like is 1889 with this mechanical good time featuring music, vendors, performance and all things steampunk ! MORE DATES TO COME - TAKING A BREAK FROM DEC 5TH TO FEB 5 JUST HEADS UP :)
Hello friends,
It's a long time since i have last spoken to you but here we are at 4am in the morning not being able to sleep - So here i am writing :) September has been a very interesting months both spiritually and physically but in all pretty good, Kavarett Vulgare at The Beachland Ballroom was an amazing show am telling you AMAZING! It was great to bring my Pittsburgh friends up here singe it was so visually beautiful and artistically well put together and thank you to the fans and friends that turned out! You are keeping things in the entertainment industry alive. I have much love for Macabre Noir and Phat Man Dee two Pittsburgh gems and staples of their art they go together beautify and Penny De la Poison along with Deville and Gypsy well they were the icying on the cake so to speak. The beauty of it all was so up lifting... I had the pleasure of performing with them often and im thankful to called them friends! ---------------------------------- Body Images It seems to be going around still the negative remarks to a curvy female, Its tragic bur true some people are more excepting of thinner girls then they are of bigger girls. Thankfully that is to change. I like to tell my curvy self that am beautiful but yet i know im not every ones cup of tea, but for those girls out there my size every time they attend a show and tell me they feel good that they can see some one their size on stage and thank me for being who am i am. That is a slice of humble pie served with ice cream on the side ladies and gents! My body is changing and i just want to be healthy i dont ever want to lose the curvy you know.. but i see all these girls starving their selfs to get to a size 0? that is not right! I once had a student named Jessica and she honestly inspired me she was working to be healthy at her size she would have been considered a bbw but girl can bench press 250 pounds !!! I mean common the determination both physically and mentally are so difficult i bow to her honestly do. She continues with her dream to be healthy and she is not hoping for a size 0 my friends she is hoping for a healthy more fun filled tomorrow! now that is the thing right there the mindset every one should be in! I will soon start doing that my self loosing the few pounds i want to lose to reach 150 that is my goal :) My good friend kenn this week will teach me about running and biking and my man will help me to eat right so im quite excited to start this off! So my advise to you curvy girl! Look and the mirror and keep saying your beautiful and believe it! because you are! _______________________ The hurricane effect As of late other shows have been pooping up here and there with other troupes and it's nice to see the scene growing in a way, but in others it seems to be a race to the end of the finish line for the customer. I stated very strong opinions on something via social media facebook and i was attacked for having said anything in public, not surprising and i guess i was also being to judgmental. but here is the thing- There is close to over 40 to 50 burlesque performers in Cleveland, Some have troupes and others are independent but not all of them work with every one or attend every ones shows let alone support each other when it comes down to it. Woman are going to Woman as Men are going to be Men but at times i don't see the sisterhood of the traveling pasties in burlesque in this area. Yes some of us are friends with others but in general we are all keeping to our groups. Let us remember burlesque left us once already and after it became a trendy thing to do it will stay for some time longer but after that who will we have left? who will we entertain when people grow tired of it? where will they all go? I like to be thankful and grateful to those that feed me and clothe me to those that buy my merch and cheer for me and i try to keep it new and exciting and go out to the big blue for festivals to try to come back more season and learn more tricks of the trade. Burlesque is really expensive but seeing good performers should not be chessy and out dated or expensive. I wish we could all get along and flow together for a strong and healthy tomorrow but we will have to wait and see :) -------------------------------- Haus of Sin is up and ready on Etsy and my site here you can check out what w With love B I have been running around as of late to so many places and it's been an adventure let me tell ya!, I started watching the DNC and found that this year for the election there is something i was not very aware of like the Dreamers act that President Obama had in place. I think it's pretty cool that he is putting Gay Rights, Woman Rights and Immigration Reform along with Health care and The current economy back into place. I like that -
I had a very strange Thursday - I hate it when you make plans for a dress or a look and it just does not work out at all... Rather annoying and disappointing really but made it work and went to my guess talk at Pittsburgh University, I was part of a pannel of entertainers for a gender discussion and we spoke to 25 woman and 1 gentlemen (I pointed it out in class, that man has my respect) The teacher was speaking about Gender and what does it mean to perform Gender in this day and age. All the people i was speaking with were amazing JJ Cox Drag King, Ivory Onyx Drag King and Elizabeth Coutoue Burlesque along with my self, It was very interesting to be there very welcoming. All do on my way there i got lost in the giant campus thank you god for JJ for he found me in a sea of collage students and guided me inside the building. I do not know how these kids get around i felt like a mouse in a maze seeking cheese but we finally found the class right on time, I hate being late! I learned a whole lot from my fellow entertainers that i would have not known if it was not for this talk we did together i grew to respect them more for who they are in their private lives and the challenges they endure. I came back to the house and i really just laid infront of the air conditioner it was so hot out side.... ahhh summer! I hope its over soon and we are to Fall the best season from all four! Later that day i looked my self in my work room and made some cute things for Haus Of Sin my line of Hats, Jewelry Boxes and Decor along with clothing. I felt very productive! - But at the same tims i have been so tired no sleep what so ever for the last 5 days i have been up till 5am or later, it's becoming quite aggravating. Friday was just a mess the whole day was just a mess i rather not remember it... Again i forgot to eat and wondered why it was such a horrid day, I meditated a bit to get me out of the funk with no luck but thanks to my man for making my day a little brighter! I set off to get ready for my performance on saturday that is today, fixing my numbers and making sure everything fits together and ended up making some really amazing things from scraps- I like so salvage old items of clothing and fabric to make new costumes and accessories it makes me happy to re use! Every thing was packed and ready till i look in the mirror and i see my roots, I TOTALLY FORGOT TO RETOUCH! ugh! well i started fixing my red wig and it came out like new! while fixing said wig i watch TED talks one of my guilty pleasures and looked up talked about gender and woman come to find out a lot of things that i have forgotten about. The oppression of woman has been so long and i have come from some of it, I started thinking how i dealt with such oppression and this is what i came to realize- Burlesque is my out, my empowerment, my voice and at times my everything. I become a sexual creature on stage and there is nothing i love more then to be me on stage! Thru the words of the speakers i found that woman that live in other countries are in such danger and it made me feel LUCKY to be in the USA! I find that its easier to take for granted what is around you and forget how good you have it, some people just don't look beyond their sandbox. Finally got done eat and drank some coffee now it's 7:00am (ugh) making sure everything i need it's in my bag and ready to go but taking some time off to make sure i have my blog up. This is a challenge to write honestly i go thru so much and on facebook, twitter, instagram i document my life but i never look back like i did today. For once i took my advise and you should take this one too. I go thru my pictures and my time line every so often and i remember all the amazing good times i have had and it makes me come out of any funk i may be in that particular day, I'm not a negative person but it's hard to show your best face to the world sometimes and i have found that little trick works every time. I'm Lucky to be here and have who i have and do what i do and know who i know am truly blessed. Every day life is hard and that is nothing new but i wonder at times who else thinks of it? who else is like "Hey, Im going to make the world change today!" so many of us have the chance to become that change the world needs and yet do nothing about it and just complain about how we did not get our latte this morning when we don't think there is a little girl somewhere escaping death or going hungry. It does break my heart :( One day i will make the world better even more then what i have already thru my volunteering or my classes, I just to think that when you smile at some one you brighten up their day and i still do but it's so harder to smile now of days. Being an adult has been a good trip but i like to be a child sometimes.. A bubble gun is easy proof that I'm a goof! Going full circle, this week has been empowering for woman all over the nation and if every one of us puts a little work forth we can truly be the change the world needs to be better. EVERY ONE OF US! I guess i want to be that hopeless romantic and still be in love with humanity! ![]() Today was a bust, Strange strange strange day! I really did nothing more today after all my attempts to go to the post office and ship things. I started organizing the glitter space and putting my numbers for this saturday for Dine and Dance in Cleveland, OH. Mean while getting ready for a gallery opening for my day of the dead masks, Now available on Etsy and at 208 Boutique perfect for your holiday decor or your fashion outfit. In the tradition they are all made as characters that were once living and also carry their own unique story :) so waltz on over and grab one or two for you day of the dead decor or party. Not much to say today, I'm going to go make things now :) At times you think that after high school all the girl drama will be over once and for all, But thanks to the mean girl gene it never seems to be over does it. It's hard to admit but we all have been part of this horrid social epidemic-
The Bully- Some people regardless of their social status like to put others down and some think is because of envy or some personal vendetta against the particular person they happen to not like that week, month or year. Some social enigmas you see the bully is one of those kinds of people that picks on any one regardless of size, local or social standing. You see it a lot in high school and am sad to say some people never leave that mentality, I maybe the only one that noted this trend but in social media it seems to run a little loader then just the hallways or word of mouth. Bully's have come to find social media and other forms of technology useful to tear a person down to the point of depression or suicide some thing that is quite popular in our youth today, Some think "Hey is acceptable because they did something wrong to me" so they start posting about the person and their family life and go as far as calling their jobs and trying to ruin potential partnerships. This is border line psychotic behavior that some people in this day and age find acceptable. Take the movie Mean Girls for example, In this movie we see the start and the development of mind games and drama only to end up in a horrible accident and then every one is ok because they talked it out. Bully's come in all shapes and sizes along with all demographics and on a daily basis woman are the ones that are more prone to become that evil doer of society but what does this get people? what do they need from this ? Some people believe they get off on the power they might hold "If you can't rule when love, Rule in fear" When people put others down is only because of their personal growth they think they are being threaten and like every thing else the story changes with every one that tells it. Like a myth it starts from the truth and there is always two sides of the story but no one ever bothers to hear both sides even if it's offered to them. Some people are followers of drama maybe this is why we should not spend countless hours on the internet. We hear rumors from all ends of the earth from one person and we listen and spread said rumors with out knowing the person we speak of or let alone knowing the situation they were in at the time, We just jump on the van wagon and move forward with the lets burn and pillage strategy till is to late. I have seen people die over this stupid social agenda! Depression is a serious illness and so is suicide some people view it as a weakness and i tend to inform them they are wrong, some people just need the helping hand to pull them out of their dark space and help them move on with their life. But society sees this as a weakness and they do not look kindly upon it. Let me share some thing with you- I have suffered with depression for years, Battling depression is not an easy task specially when bullied over your weight, status, mistakes and decisions in life or even your sexuality. Fighting depression is a hard task one that needs a lot of bravery and every day struggle, when people like to put you down because they just dont like the way you breath or what you do or can't seem to accept and move from your mistakes a persona can seem to become over analytic. Being in the public eye makes it more default. Thankfully i have great family that helps and supports me along with great friends that pull me from my bad place and help me get over some things. Its a work in progress. If you are being bullied or some one is just putting you down their is an age old tactic "STOP LISTENING" i know is hard to do and easy to say but honestly when you stop listening you will find the chains of control have broken and you no longer give those aggressors power over your life! Be positive and focus on you, If they spend as much time on them as they do on you they would have a very happy life and maybe some amazing things going on them selfs. So do not sweat it ! I say to all the people that dont like me Thank you for thinking of me, am honored that you spend your whole day on me! and you should to .. haters are going to hate that is their job but you can make them fail at it! just focus on making that hate into fuel and fire to move on and do amazing things with YOUR life since it's just that YOURS! So take these words and run with them DO NOT HATE DO NOT HURT DO NOT WISH HARM ON OTHERS DO NOT JUDGE DO NOT BECOME A ![]() Happy Labor Day, I'm sure by now you are all eating wonderful food and having fun with your family and friends. That is great! but please keep in mind not taking the party to extremes that being by drinking so don't drink and drive! Thanks! SHOES! In the pictures on the left i show some amazing glittery boots i got for Christmas as a gift from my boyfriends mother, I love these shoes they are my size but they were a bit tight around the top. I did not want to return them since i also was in Houston, TX so i set off to the interwebs and i did not believe my eyes there was something on show stretching at home. (You could take them to the shoe man and get them sized but this ways way easier) Here is the Tutorial How To Stretch Out Your Shoes The only thing i would recommend is double bag it! and only leave them over night and do not put them directly under the sun since it might decolorize the show AND do not do it the day of this is a 24 hr process. I tried it with my burlesque shoes first for the sake of a show, My boyfriend looked at me like why are you doing this? i said testing out theory. left them over night then put them out in the heat and then tried them on and HOLY SHOES BATMAN they fit just right! So the boots were next, Keep in mind this only work on shoes that are not leather it ruins the the shoe all together so please keep it to the shoes you have that are non leather shoes. Lets share a secret about science! When you are putting the bag in the show the water is a liquid, when in the freezer the water due to the change of temperature starts turning SLOWLY into a solid that is also expanding SLOWLY, Then when it finally becomes solid all the way the show has been stretched now you have to let it become liquid again slowly as you wait for the shoe to unfreeze! (Remove the bags and clean the shoe, The bags can be reuse for future shoe projects and the water can go off to plants) So there you have it... now go forth and s ![]() I have a hell of a time finding clothing since I'm three different sizes, My top is an XL and my waist is a L and my hips are and XL or Size 16/18 depending on jeans or pants style. I have found not a lot of department stores like Macy's or Dillard's carry plus sizes but when i mean plus i think of any one above a 14, I have found thru time that i started to hate shopping for new clothing base on the fact that i get down on my self when it comes to my size. I have found stores like DEBs, Torrid, Layne Bryan and Dots that carry a large selection of plus clothing along with others like The Mission Boutique in Clevleand,OH that carry specialty clothing in order in or plus sizes in corsets and other fun pin up stuff. Being curvy its not easy, some clothing companies only carry S to XL some times i find more XS (extra small) then XL clothing in the store. The mall is a good example of shopping busts at times i can go upto 12 stores i have 3 tops from all of them that i think i like that in truth i should love! The dress on this images i found at Charlotte Russe in the Mall they are a national chain that does carry some XL but when i really took a closer look on the style of the dress is when i had a memory from my days in fashion school "Style" The dress was a strapless and it had a stretch pattern in the bust and the waist witha zipper on the side it was a focus on the waist that made my bottom seem very flattering and the little shrug added some daytime realness!, But when i first saw it i said " I dont think they have it in my size" that is when it hit me. We have become scared to shop around in this society we think that we can just walk in and out of a store with what we want but for some that is not the case. I started talking to some friends about it and we considered demographic to be one of the reasons some malls do not have the sizes we are looking for. Department stores keep track of their sells and if they see a spike on larger sizes they will supply that store with larger inventory in that particular size for the customer. Supply and demand- I thought that Ebay will be better for me at times to get clothing but i know that sizes are different in other countries so i because and EDUCATED shopper the best kind. I googled Size chart and How to take your measurements and wrote them down and every time that i shop online i use those as a reference point for my searches. I also look at styles sadly bigger girls can't wear everything a thinner girl wears it sucks but is a reality, I tend to stay away from some things like super tight dresses with side openings. I have learned that does not look so good one me and others so i resorted to investigate style! Goggle Shopping is amazing they centralize all the particular things your looking for in one search and you can see all the websites that it comes from. Online shopping got easy. For department store shopping i tend to try things on and take my time, I will go around noon and shop around not only size but price, quality and the ever so important can i wear this year long? this blue dress is great for summer days and winter nights with some scarfs and boots or heels its a good investments for $25.00 bucks. Make sure you are looking around and do not get frustrated when you shop, take a good pair of undies and bra that you would wear with said clothing and at times even spanks or a corset to make sure things fit how you want them to. Invest in knowing a drag queen or a seamstress they can help you take things in but remember taking things in is great buying a dress 2 sizes to small and adding fabrics is kinda hard. Always know what your looking for in your size what looks good and can be a year around purchase you will find more things you like and love to wear and you don't have to break the bank for. September 1st 2012I seem to never sleep now of days, My mind and life are to busy for me to want to actually dream? But i seem to take very many cat naps now of days. I woke up around 5am and battled with my self to get up from my warm bed, Sigh* I finally got going and my dear houston made me coffee as i set up to get ready to go. Realized as any other human being i was late! so i took a cab to the bus like (megabus). I love that stop so many memories flood towards me when i am there sad, happy and it just sets the tone for my journey back to my ever so dear Cleveland. Living in two cities is not easy you tend to miss more then you think you do and the fact its that close to you makes ever so much more missable! I arrived early to Cleveland and it was beautiful skies and amazing weather! The Air show was in town so the rawr of the engines filled the sky along with the bustle and hustle of the city! I headed to the Double Tree By Hilton Lakeside for class, checked in got the room started and sat alone for some breakfast. I enjoy eating alone with a book it gives me room to think about my day. I headed to starbucks and go a coffee then to the office and got some things printed even do i still wore black hair people knew who i was. I headed to prep the room for the class to start and put some music to help me move a little quicker. Shinny things were set out, papers, sign up sheet, water and the white board is full of info and flyers from The Mission Boutique and Dean Rufus House of Fun out for the girls! The gals started arriving and it was nice to see familiar faces and new faces, I had 11 students they all seemed amazing! We move forward with the class they were attentive and curious asked questions and participated in class very thankful for those students they even took notes :) They all seem very amazing to start. We did create a persona called Diamond Daisy, She was a gun slinger from TX running from the law and all her burlesque numbers were about westerns. I think so far that was a plus right? they seem to have connected to the whole idea of burlesque now let's see whos is going to be the star student, I hope all of them really.. They were a few i particularly liked alot for some odd reason they gave me a good feeling! Towards the end of the class i found my self getting emotional about the past and future of what i do, I realized alot about that moment and i think i opened some peoples mind to what somethings are to me. I got to see my friend Krista and Josh along with Solei and London their children sooo cute! Later i headed out with Tannie to have dinner with her family good restaurant till i got sick from the food, but headed back to Pitt around 9:00pm got there to my friend Ken and Houston then went to see the new house after that i came home and passed out so hard it was a little pathetic. I woke up Sep 2 .........I have been in bed all day...........no so interesting is it? I called mom and she got all the presents i sent and sounded very happy i have been in bed reading about the lecture i will be part of next week and working on some thing here and there online.... I have been prepping Voodoo Baby's new number, It has been a technical challenge! not as easy as i thought but i plan to seek out some things online to assist me in this endeavor |
Bella SinBurlesque Performer and every day glitter seeking glamour lover! Archives
November 2019