Been trying to keep busy, That has not been a hard task with so many things going on and coming together in the next few months. Thinking about some things i have read as of late on social media sites and dear old rumor mill that i would like to address today.
Cleveland- Akron 2004- R/E nightclub Downtown Akron first burlesque variety show by Le Femme Mystique Burlesque and Rubber City Bombshells. Reminder. As Le Femme Mystique grew to the main stream, Rubber City staid in the mist of the under grown scene both troupes different but yet supporting the same cause. Bella Sin and Pony Girl suffered some turmoil but staid consistent in their performing lives. We have seen many girls come and go along with many troupes raise and fall. Line up in both troupes changed often even cross performing became a regular thing with both troupes. The disagreements between Bella Sin and Pony Girl We solved as years passed and evolution set in. What am i referring to? Being a rival in such a small community never works, We share performers, fans and friends. Not to mention working relationships with venues that are not interested in dramatic out burst of any kind, we are hurting out community in more ways then one. Having a professional working relationship with people is important in many ways to keep us a constant in the public eye and audience coming to shows. We are entertainers and there is no business as show business that is why i believe now more then ever is important to set rivalry aside for us to grow strong and keep going when the trendy leaves the burlesque world. When Pony and I started we started from nothing and keep going in our own ways trying to survive working in venues that did not support what we did but stilled booked us. We got dressed in bathrooms, cars or even streets to make sure we achieve a good future for those coming after us. We were fighters in a way for a line of work that was not typical in our society. Events like Organ Grinders and Cleveland Pride gave us more of a chance to rise above it and pull forward to make sure the troupes and performers today had a future or even a pay scale. Burlesque now in Cleveland is different then the burlesque we had back in the day as in where it was in 2004. We have watched it grow and pull towards a new brighter future with hardships still to come and those that we have over come could not have been tackled with out mutual support from one another. Pony and I understood that for a working relationship we had to come forward and ignore out differences and support one another in what ever way could be possible to survive. And we are still here now, It has been a great hardship to stay standing strong and looking to the future in many ways i command her skills and her endless work to this community. but now the history again repeats it self with others that may want to in their own way be the top dog and that is not the case. After 2009 we saw a rise on show bookings and the ability to work with many other talented people but i do credit the person that stood beside me in the beginning and that was Pony Girl. I hold no ill will toward any one, The illness of my mother was one of the moments i realized it was silly and childish not to recognize that i was being a human being can come and go but there is some thing of them that stays in this world and that is what they teach others. I don't want my lesson to be that i might have held resentment towards people that did in fact help me move forward, we all do things differently and believe in a different things but those are all in the same to help burlesque stay alive and well in this city. It took me a long time to know that my true goal was to create as much performers and fans as i could for it and to have the main stream people understand that this was and art and a passion along with a great amount of history standing for it. Now seeing towards the future the small achievements that her an i created have been those that have pushed it forth to a great cause. Burlesque is every where and that is in truth what i wanted. I don't care who produces the show, who performs in it and what they do as long as burlesque is still alive in my dear Cleveland and Akron i will be happy. Bella Sin
Bella SinBurlesque Performer and every day glitter seeking glamour lover! Archives
November 2019