![]() Bella SIn and Lushes La Moan To your right you will see my self and the most amazing woman i have ever met, A true Detroiter! I have a very special place in my heart for Detroit, MI a great love for a community there that in truth is beautiful! Lushes La Moan is an amazing entertainer and person, It was my pleasure to go perform for her benefit, I got to share the stage with an insane amazing beautiful amount of talent that that left me breathless and wanting more. I have to say i was pleased and honored to have been included! Much love and respect goes out to my detroit family, I have missed them so much! You never know this in full but when your around people that are just this amazing your heart sores to new heights and you fly. If you did not attend the show, You can still donate:) http://www.gofundme.com/22jmjw I love you Detroit, MI and My Detroit Family and Fans! I will see you all Soon! I have made it as a selection in Cleveland Scene Magazine Best Local Act Category KEEP THOSE VOTES COMING VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE TODAY PLEASE SHARE THIS AND HAVE YOUR FRIENDS VOTE! You need to fill 5 categories to make your votes count, So Here they are
Best Local Festival - The Ohio Burlesque Festival Best Local Act- Bella Sin Best House DJ- (dj) saint. Best Radio Personality- Alan Cox Best Best Music Venue- The Beachland Ballroom and Tavern Vote TODAY! and Help us WIN! http://posting.clevescene.com/cleveland/Survey?survey=3151022 ![]() Yes am a goof in this image captured by zoe renee lapin- Feb 23rd 2013 Never in my dreams could i have even imagined that i was going to be sitting here in 2013 looking back at my self 10 years ago. I was only 18 in a dark bar in Denver, Co when i debuted at a friends goth bar, Now at 28 playing sold out shows and touring all over the country am nothing by blessed and thankful to every one that has been there for me thru the corse of 10 years of my career. My Love and passion for burlesque has led me to some interesting places and to be named One Of Cleveland's Most Interesting People by Cleveland Magazine in 2011, One of my most loving memories was being the Entertainer Director for Cleveland Pride 2010 that was a great time of challenges but it was so worth it! I have been since day one an advocate of the LGBTQIA community rights, Woman Rights, Human Rights and Animal Rights my performance life has allowed me to stand up for these organizations and raise them some money for their fight. I have met and fostered friendships with some of the best human beings in the world and i can't wait to see who i met next, I have had the honor to share the stage with so many amazing , beautiful, talented, smart, devoted artists that my mind is blown! Just so much to be thankful for today! Thank you fans, friends and lovers and most importantly my family! thank you! My inspirations, my idols, EVERY ONE Thank you! B "The Roxy is still alive and well in many hearts and minds " Sorry it has taken me so long to blog, What a show am so humbled to have had a sold out crowd at my home venue The Beachland Ballroom, (Happy 13th anniversary Beachland). The highlight of my night was the 3 original roxy ads that where displayed in the hallway of the beachland, Thank you Jim Lanza and Eric Clink for brining those posters out to us- Jim Lanza with The Roxy Prints is amazing, There was great memories of Cleveland that night for the audience to enjoy and remember, let us not forget Spooky Grrrl Bath and Body with yummy hand made soaps and Yelp Cleveland! The cast of the show was amazing, Ray Raymond and Gilgamesh T gave the girls good competition for the night, All the ladies of Le Femme Mystique Burlesque were amazing and surprised me ever so much with their old school flair! the whole show it self was as it was envisioned since the start with the late additions of Leslie Andrews and The swing dancers with Get Hep Swing. Stevie Resse Desmond dazzled the crowd and Peggy De Lune killed it! I have to say am the luckiest burlesque performer in the world to have such an amazing community behind me helping, enjoying, remembering and loving burlesque. After the hard times i have encountered in the last couple of months this was a show where my heart swell with happiness and warmth. The Rustbelt Bump and Grind documentary was a success, Seeing people react to this was so wonderful and the rawr of applause was moving me to tears (i did cry). Thank you ever so much to every single person that attended and that loved, cheered and shared all this with each other. You do not know how much this meant to me and all the cast. We are one step closer to a dream :) thanks to you! Thank you to- The Beachland Ballroom and Tavern staff and crew, Cleveland Scene, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Fresh Water Cleveland, Cool Cleveland, Yelp Cleveland, Le Femme Mystique Burlesque Cast, Zoe Renne Lapin Photography, Cory Gottron Photography, Anastasia Panthios, Mia Donna Manner Photography, Bob P from Fresh Water Cleveland, Jim Lanza with The Foundry/Two Girls Cleveland Roxy Prints, Eric Clink, Michael Quinley for "The Rustbelt Bump and Grind" Documentary, Thank you to all our VIP's, Spooky Grrl Bath and Body, The whole cast of the show, The kittens, Barbara, Doll and Head stage kitten Eliza. Thank you to every one that attended and brought our show a successful season kick off and remembered our honorable history. A Special thanks to Bella Sin for putting this whole show together and brining the best brit cleveland could welcome home, Peggy De Lune! Thank you very much from the bottom of our burly girly hearts! |
Bella SinBurlesque Performer and every day glitter seeking glamour lover! Archives
November 2019