I have been running around as of late to so many places and it's been an adventure let me tell ya!, I started watching the DNC and found that this year for the election there is something i was not very aware of like the Dreamers act that President Obama had in place. I think it's pretty cool that he is putting Gay Rights, Woman Rights and Immigration Reform along with Health care and The current economy back into place. I like that -
I had a very strange Thursday - I hate it when you make plans for a dress or a look and it just does not work out at all... Rather annoying and disappointing really but made it work and went to my guess talk at Pittsburgh University, I was part of a pannel of entertainers for a gender discussion and we spoke to 25 woman and 1 gentlemen (I pointed it out in class, that man has my respect) The teacher was speaking about Gender and what does it mean to perform Gender in this day and age. All the people i was speaking with were amazing JJ Cox Drag King, Ivory Onyx Drag King and Elizabeth Coutoue Burlesque along with my self, It was very interesting to be there very welcoming. All do on my way there i got lost in the giant campus thank you god for JJ for he found me in a sea of collage students and guided me inside the building. I do not know how these kids get around i felt like a mouse in a maze seeking cheese but we finally found the class right on time, I hate being late! I learned a whole lot from my fellow entertainers that i would have not known if it was not for this talk we did together i grew to respect them more for who they are in their private lives and the challenges they endure. I came back to the house and i really just laid infront of the air conditioner it was so hot out side.... ahhh summer! I hope its over soon and we are to Fall the best season from all four! Later that day i looked my self in my work room and made some cute things for Haus Of Sin my line of Hats, Jewelry Boxes and Decor along with clothing. I felt very productive! - But at the same tims i have been so tired no sleep what so ever for the last 5 days i have been up till 5am or later, it's becoming quite aggravating. Friday was just a mess the whole day was just a mess i rather not remember it... Again i forgot to eat and wondered why it was such a horrid day, I meditated a bit to get me out of the funk with no luck but thanks to my man for making my day a little brighter! I set off to get ready for my performance on saturday that is today, fixing my numbers and making sure everything fits together and ended up making some really amazing things from scraps- I like so salvage old items of clothing and fabric to make new costumes and accessories it makes me happy to re use! Every thing was packed and ready till i look in the mirror and i see my roots, I TOTALLY FORGOT TO RETOUCH! ugh! well i started fixing my red wig and it came out like new! while fixing said wig i watch TED talks one of my guilty pleasures and looked up talked about gender and woman come to find out a lot of things that i have forgotten about. The oppression of woman has been so long and i have come from some of it, I started thinking how i dealt with such oppression and this is what i came to realize- Burlesque is my out, my empowerment, my voice and at times my everything. I become a sexual creature on stage and there is nothing i love more then to be me on stage! Thru the words of the speakers i found that woman that live in other countries are in such danger and it made me feel LUCKY to be in the USA! I find that its easier to take for granted what is around you and forget how good you have it, some people just don't look beyond their sandbox. Finally got done eat and drank some coffee now it's 7:00am (ugh) making sure everything i need it's in my bag and ready to go but taking some time off to make sure i have my blog up. This is a challenge to write honestly i go thru so much and on facebook, twitter, instagram i document my life but i never look back like i did today. For once i took my advise and you should take this one too. I go thru my pictures and my time line every so often and i remember all the amazing good times i have had and it makes me come out of any funk i may be in that particular day, I'm not a negative person but it's hard to show your best face to the world sometimes and i have found that little trick works every time. I'm Lucky to be here and have who i have and do what i do and know who i know am truly blessed. Every day life is hard and that is nothing new but i wonder at times who else thinks of it? who else is like "Hey, Im going to make the world change today!" so many of us have the chance to become that change the world needs and yet do nothing about it and just complain about how we did not get our latte this morning when we don't think there is a little girl somewhere escaping death or going hungry. It does break my heart :( One day i will make the world better even more then what i have already thru my volunteering or my classes, I just to think that when you smile at some one you brighten up their day and i still do but it's so harder to smile now of days. Being an adult has been a good trip but i like to be a child sometimes.. A bubble gun is easy proof that I'm a goof! Going full circle, this week has been empowering for woman all over the nation and if every one of us puts a little work forth we can truly be the change the world needs to be better. EVERY ONE OF US! I guess i want to be that hopeless romantic and still be in love with humanity!
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Bella SinBurlesque Performer and every day glitter seeking glamour lover! Archives
November 2019